Hypnotherapy Course - Central YMCA Club

Hypnotherapy Course

Unlock the power of your subconscious mind to help you form positive habits, lessen feelings of anxiety, and more.

Learn the power of self-hypnosis through this 6-week course to help you relax and bring about positive change in your life. The focused attention and heightened concentration brought about by hypnosis helps you use your mind in more effective ways. Hypnosis moves aside the critical, conscious mind and makes room for the powerful subconscious mind (where your emotions and experiences are stored) to be more active and receptive to suggestions. 

There are many incredible benefits of hypnosis including better sleep, improved self-confidence, a decrease in anxiety, and more creativity. It can also be used to help you quit smoking, overcome phobias, and improve a negative relationship with food. 

Frequently asked questions

What specific techniques are used to reach a relaxed state?
Adeline uses four relaxation techniques that can be customised to each participant – mainly centred around the breath. She uses both direct and indirect suggestion to deepen the feelings of relaxation. Imagination also plays an important role as the subconscious mind thinks in pictures.
Are there any risks involved with hypnosis?
Hypnosis is completely safe, and you cannot be made to do anything against your will. This is a common misconception as hypnosis is often dramatised through movies and TV for entertainment purposes. All hypnosis used in this course is self-hypnosis and 100% voluntary at all times.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Everyone experiences hypnosis differently, but it’s universally a lovely feeling that many of Adeline’s clients don’t want to come out of. It can feel like day dreaming, getting lost in a great book or film, or the feeling when you are close to sleep but still conscious.
What I will learn?
You’ll learn how to:
– Self-hypnosis and how to put yourself into a relaxed state at will
– The benefits of hypnosis
– A brief history of hypnosis
– The power of your mind and how to access it
– How to alleviate stress through self-hypnosis

About this Tutor
Adeline Kam has a background in education and is passionate about the workings of the human mind. She runs a private practice in North London and has been volunteering with Central YMCA since the 1990s, offering meditation sessions and hypnotherapy classes. Through hypnotherapy, Adeline has been able to help her clients overcome anxiety and panic attacks, phobias, and low self-esteem, and she has successfully helped many people quit smoking. Her motto is that everyone should leave her sessions feeling better than when they arrived!

Time and Prices

Dates: New dates coming soon

Time: 6:00pm – 7:15pm

Price: £99

You can book using the Central YMCA App or the link below.

*Terms and conditions apply.


112 Great Russell Street
London, WC1B 3NQ

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Contact us

0203 994 9600


Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 6:30 am – 9:30 pm
Friday 6:30 am – 8:30 pm
Weekends 9 am – 4:30 pm

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