Central YMCA Club Site Closure - Response to FAQs

Dear Members,

With regards ongoing provision and services:

We wrote to members in December 2024 with an update on services we will be retaining across our other CYMCA sites as well as through partner organisations.  

For the latest on our community programmes, please see below. For more information on individual and corporate memberships, please see Memberships

Positive Health and Long-Term Conditions 

The primary focus of our YMCA KX facility will be engaging with communities that face physical activity inequalities, using the exercise on referral model to support these people in sustaining longer-term physical activity habits. 

We will continue running Positive Health for those living with HIV out of our KX facility and will reach out to individual members to manage the transition of memberships for those who wish to continue with us. 

We are confident of being able to continue our other class provision for those living with long-term health conditions – this is being factored into schedules and will be confirmed as soon as possible. 

Older Adults

Whilst we finalise our plans as to how we best support older adults, we have been working closely with Camden Council and GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited, the council appointed providers across the Borough of Camden) to ensure the continuance of provision with as minimal disruption as possible.  

We will continue to do so through January 2025 and are hopeful that GLL will expand their Community Programmes alongside what we look to continue delivery of. As a provider, they have facilities close to Great Russell Street and many, if not all, of the same amenities. 

In conjunction with GLL and Camden Council, stakeholder sessions will be set up in January 2025 specifically with Older Adult members to inform what this service looks like beyond 7th February 2025

On the future of Central YMCA:

Is Central YMCA closing for good?

On the future of 112 Great Russell Street:

Will the site be open as usual until 7th February?

Has the sale gone through?

Who has the building been sold to?

Will it remain a gym/pool?


Youth Memberships 

Individual, Student and Corporate Memberships 

Moorgate Fitness Club 


Transferring memberships

Personal Training 

Alternative nearby facilities 

Is there another YMCA pool nearby?

Request for programme of classes at Moorgate/KX

Do Moorgate or KX have swimming pools?

Will Moorgate be the same price as the Club?

Can you recommend any other facilities?

Can I use other YMCA facilities?


What will happen to the staff?

Can we save the facility?